Hello World!

Hello World to my new blogpost which was formally named as enggprog.com. I was offline for few months.

Whats new?

Short answer is that its fast and under full control. Long answer is that this blog posts and the whole website is made with static html page. With wordpress, I had issues with speed of page loading. It was so much slow. Also very tough to optimize. Although wordpress is gnu project but it is very hard to manage through plugins and very very hard to modify its plugin. Wordpress was quite bulky in size as well. It was full under control of automattic through its paid plugins.

How to find Old Posts of enggprog.com?

I will upload all old posts of enggprog.com with time. You can find old posts using http://web.archive.org/ or by asking me through email.

When to expect full contents from enggprog.com?

I will upload all content back from my previous website on weekly basis with one post per week. Hopefully the performance of this website and blog will be the best, more interactive and fruitful.

Faisal Rehman
Assistant Professor

My research interests include Masonry Structures, Experimental Investigation, and Numerical Simulations.